3 Ekim 2015 Cumartesi

Some Weird French Foods

Restaurants in Bouffay, Nantes, July 2013
Oeuf à la coque (aka soft-boiled egg yolk) – This is a French sta­ples for kids. Boil an egg for three min­utes and place it in an egg cup . Cut off the top of the egg with a knife and dip strips of but­tered bread (known as mouil­lettes) to eat the runny yolk and semi-solidified egg white.
Croque-monsieur (aka grilled cheese sand­wich) – Peo­ple think French cui­sine is fancy. It’s actu­ally pretty basic, just the names of dishes are fancy. For instance, we don’t call this French com­fort food “sand­wich au fro­mage et jam­bon grillé” but croque-monsieur—it sounds fancier.
Boudin noir (aka blood sausage) –This is prob­a­bly while for­eign­ers stay away from this tra­di­tional French sausage made with pork, fried onions, fat, and blood.
Steak tartare (aka raw meat) – Steak tartare is a dish made from finely chopped or minced raw beef or horse­meat, often served with onions, capers and sea­son­ings. 
Horse meat or rab­bit – I never eat this...Why are you cut pretty rabbits man ? :)

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